Energy-Efficient Glass Options for Your Residential Windows

Windows provide the weak spots in your home as far as energy efficiency goes. As the summer weather heats up, the windows will account for up to 87 per cent of the heat gain that your home will experience. The windows are also inefficient in winter, allowing up to 49 per cent of your home's warmth to exit. The net effect of this is that your house will be less comfortable, and you'll pay via energy costs, as your air conditioning or heating bills escalate needlessly. Read More 

Three Common Ageing Signs In Pool Windows And How To Combat Them

Pool windows are a feature that can make you feel as if you are living in a luxury hotel. However, this feeling only lasts for as long as your pool windows look good, and after a few years, your pool windows will start to show signs of ageing. From scratches to unfortunate colour stains, pool windows do tend to show minor imperfections quite obviously due to being see-through. Luckily this does not mean the end of your pool windows' lifespan, far from it. Read More